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Episode 26 - Jim Goad

Doug sits down with underground cult author Jim Goad to discuss his past incarceration, female privilege, LA riots, and still being employed.

This podcast sponsored by The Bisbee Blue and King's Bar-B-Q in Stone Mountain.

Jim GoadThoughtCatalog.comTaki Magazine, Jim Goad is the author of three books available online - Jim Goad's Gigantic Book of Sex, Shit Magnet and The Redneck Manifesto.

Recorded Apr 17, 2014 in the green room of improv Atlanta with Doug Stanhope, Jim Goad and greg Chaille. Engineered and Produced by Greg Chaille (@gregchaille).

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Intro music "Don't Cut Yr Hair" by Mishka Shubaly. Closing song "Party Time" by The Mattoid.

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