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Doug Stanhope's Virtual eBay Yard Sale


That's right, children....

It's time for another...

Doug Stanhope eBay Virtual Yard Sale! SALE HAS ENDED.

My hoard has my closet and crawl space stretched at the seems with wonderful nonsense. All the shit I hold on to for whatever silly or sentimental reason will be on eBay starting today thru April 1. Getting what I wore last time thru your town is way cooler than just buying a t-shirt.

A portion of the proceeds will be going to a charitable cause. Not a charity, mind you. Fuck those road agents and their cut. I'm just gonna find some random poor cunt whose gotten the leaky dick by life and shove money at them. 

I'll be sure to film & blog it and give you the credit.

The auction is live has ended!

Happy Shopping!